Cliché documentary on the book of Genesis and mind-boggling questions
You probably think you know everything that happened in the book of genesis, well that is possible but then I have really mind-boggling questions. So be patient as you go through what you will probably call stale gist. And yea, you should consider reading everything; this is the second time I am typing this because the initial one mistakenly wiped off; so yea... you are basically compensating me for my efforts. Here we gooo .... We are created in God’s very own image (so if you’re wondering how God looks, stare at the mirror) and He made us in charge of everything. Genesis 1:26 Man was made from dust and the breath of God. God felt man shouldn’t be alone so He created a helper gotten from man’s ribs and man named this helper “woman”(named by man because she was taken from him). So after serpent lured Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and Adam gave in. God cursed the three of them: Genesis 3:8-19 Serpent : You will crawl on your belly, grovel...