
Showing posts from January, 2019

Cliché documentary on the book of Genesis and mind-boggling questions

You probably think you know everything that happened in the book of genesis, well that is possible but then I have really mind-boggling questions. So be patient as you go through what you will probably call stale gist. And yea, you should consider reading everything; this is the second time I am typing this because the initial one mistakenly wiped off; so yea... you are basically compensating me for my efforts. Here we gooo .... We are created in God’s very own image (so if you’re wondering how God looks, stare at the mirror) and He made us in charge of everything. Genesis 1:26 Man was made from dust and the breath of God. God felt man shouldn’t be alone so He created a helper gotten from man’s ribs and man named this helper “woman”(named by man because  she was taken from him). So after serpent lured Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and Adam gave in. God cursed the three of them: Genesis 3:8-19 Serpent : You will crawl on your belly, grovel...

God never promised...

A very special someone in my life was inspired by my previous post " Love letter to Yahweh " and decide to write this amazing piece for me; This means a whole lot to me: God never promised immortality but He did promise eternal life. And God never promised words inscribed in stone that our time would be without strife. God never promised we'd all live as kings but He welcomed us into His Kingdom. And God never promised we wouldn't live as slaves but He did promise that Truth brings us freedom. God never promised no one would be blind but He did promise we'd all see the Light. And God never promised all lame would walk but He did promise we'd all stand upright. God never promised no child would suffer but He did promise to comfort their pain. And God never promised He could keep us all close but He did promise we could come back again. God never promised perfect white houses but He did promise we'd all have a home. And God never promis...

Uncoordinated insight on the book of Galatians

I dug out this piece from my journal,  it was written on the 21st of June,  2018; 8:53pm lol It's just a little insight on the book of Galatians. Here we go : God has no favorite: Paul in ( Galatians 2:6-8) said that the reputation of the leaders of the church made no difference to him because God has no favorites.  God gives us different duties but it's from God and no one duty is better/preferable to Him. The fear of criticism by mere humans leads to hypocrisy: ( Galatians 2:12-13 ), Even Peter who is the pillar in the church at some point messed up;  don't be so hard on yourself when you make mistakes ( that doesn't mean you should let yourself loose) be intentional but perfection is a myth. Don't kill yourself because you're trying to attain perfection. This verse also showed me that God can call anybody; that person you wrote off might just do a better job than those trained for it or the so called experts. Here Peter due to fear of criticism from th...

Love letter to Yahweh

Dear Lord Jesus, Today is the 22nd day of January, 2019. I sat on an old stool reminiscing about my life; how I've cried many rivers,  walked through some pain and I've seen my world crumble but you've always been there calling me your own,  cheering me up.  You said I am loved when I couldn't feel a thing,  You said I am strong when I thought I was weak,  You held me when I was falling short and Oooh! I can hear heaven singing out;  you're never alone. Everybody wants to be king,  we put all our hope inside material things.  In your light I now understand that everything I have ain't everything that I am;  I am so much more,  though sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough but that's when love says you're mine. Even if You don't move the mountains I'm needing you to move,  if you don't path the waters I wish I could walk through,  if you don't give the answers as I cry out to You. I will always trust in You because You'r...


I was going through the Acts of the apostles the other day and I read something that cracked me up 😂😂😂. Acts 19:11-18 (NIV) God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them. Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out. Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you? "Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding. 😭😭😭😂😂😂💀&#...

Reverential Fear

I believe many Christians don't practice what they preach due to lack of reverential fear of God; we're taught not to be afraid of God (perfect love cast out fear). We know the perfect love God has for us,  we don't have to be afraid of God or afraid He's going to punish us,  but we need to have a reverential fear that basically says God is God and He means what He says and so "if He says do this and you'll be blessed and you don't;  you won't like your life so much". We have to be careful we don't bring God to the level where He's just our buddy. He's your friend but He's God!!!;  Almighty, sovereign, all knowing,  omnipotent and omnipresent God; Who's an all consuming fire.  We're saved by Grace; Philippians 2:12-13 : Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose. What does it mean to work out your own salvation?  It doesn...

Growth Through Pain

Those who truly make a difference, those who are strong and committed, have experienced their fair amount of hardship and pain. It doesn't seem to make it easier when we're going through the dark times, but when we look back and see the man who entered the dark forest and compare him with the man who emerged, we know that it wasn't naught. Show me a man who has never suffered,  and I'll show you not a man but a boy. "We mature because we hurt" The beauty of suffering, if one loves God and His son, is that we never have to go through it alone. To belittle our sufferings is to belittle God's mercy in helping us to persevere.  But no one wants to hear you complain all the time about it; No! But that wasn't what I meant. I mean that to wear an inner mask and to pretend you feel no pain, no fear,  no loneliness would be to shut your heart down to God.  For if you are not suffering, you do not recognize your need of Him.  We all suffer, and once sin ca...

Still catching my breath

Okay... Ermmmmmmmm... This is my diary that made it to the internet; whoooaw!!! I just want to bare my soul with God's enlightenment and His wisdom. I hope that someday someone might read it and feel encouraged.  Try to set your focus right; that is on God,  remain obedient to Him and let Him deal with whatever consequences that comes. This might sound a bit cliché but well!, just enjoy the read. A special thanks to my friend Nwanneka Elechi for encouraging me to start this blog.