Reverential Fear

I believe many Christians don't practice what they preach due to lack of reverential fear of God; we're taught not to be afraid of God (perfect love cast out fear).
We know the perfect love God has for us,  we don't have to be afraid of God or afraid He's going to punish us,  but we need to have a reverential fear that basically says God is God and He means what He says and so "if He says do this and you'll be blessed and you don't;  you won't like your life so much".

We have to be careful we don't bring God to the level where He's just our buddy. He's your friend but He's God!!!;  Almighty, sovereign, all knowing,  omnipotent and omnipresent God; Who's an all consuming fire. 

We're saved by Grace;
Philippians 2:12-13 : Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.

What does it mean to work out your own salvation?  It doesn't mean to work for our salvation;  it means salvation is a gift and it comes to you in your spirit; your  spirit is made holy,  you're sanctified, you're made right with God, everything in your spirit couldn't get better than what it is.
That is why we say "I am the righteousness of God in Christ,  I am holy,  I am sanctified because you're all those things in your spirit.
God cannot totally come to live in your spirit if you don't totally clean the place up first.

The rest of our lives, the job that we have is to work with the Holy Spirit to let what God has given us;  this great gift He has given us to be worked out for our salvation. And you do it with fear and trembling knowing God means business!.

Proverbs 1:7 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.
Not being scared of God or of  hell.
But I do believe the promises of God has conditions attached to them and I do believe I will reap what I sow. It is a biblical law;  so yes I am afraid not to do what God tells me to do because I don't want to miss out on the best life He has for me.

When God  says something,  He means what He says.  If He says " He's faithful, He's faithful.  If He says do this and you'll be blessed;  do that and you'll definitely be blessed".

Yes!  We're free from the law and we live under grace;  and thank God we live in the dispensation of grace.  I love grace,  I love the mercy of God, I love knowing that my sins are forgiven and God will never give up on me but I also love God enough that I am going to spend every waking moment of my life trying to do what I believe He wants me to do.
Not because I am afraid that He will get mad at me if I don't.

God doesn't want us to try to do what's right to get Him to love us.  He wants us to love Him so much because He loves us,  that we want to do what's right and so we work to do what's right because of that.

Galatians 1:10-16 : Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ...... 15.But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by His grace was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man.

We're all set apart before we were born for something and we don't need anybody's approval to do what God sets in our heart to do.
If you don't do what you're suppose to do in life,  you won't be happy.  Running from God is not a happy place to be.

When somebody tell you to compromise your moral ethics; ...
They won't respect you if you don't do what you know is right in your heart to do.
There is actually a part of them that wants you to stand up to them, though they might be mad at first but if you stand your ground; it could be the thing that turns their live around.

We're free by the law but now free to live by the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Joyce Meyer


  1. "I believe many Christians don't practice what they preach due to lack of reverential fear of God; we're taught not to be afraid of God (perfect love cast out fear)."

    I believe many Christians don't practice what they preach because they don't love God enough! Coming down to a human perspective, if I truly love someone, I wouldn't do anything to hurt them purposely. We say ' I love God' , but do we really?

    Don't get me wrong, I ain't a saint yet, and I know that as long as one interacts with others, there is a tendency to fall into temptation. But how far am I willing to go/ give up to prevent sinning against God.

    One of my new year's resolution is to be a little be kinder, so I do this by intentionally thinking before speaking and asking WWJD ' What would Jesus do'


  2. Your comments are literally blowing my mind!!!.
    OMG! Dear unknown!, lol
    Let's do a collabo😂


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