
Everyone's life follows a unique path filled with diverse experiences. If we constantly compare ourselves to others, we'll only end up getting distracted and denying ourselves the joy and excitement that our own journey can bring.

Personally, my life has been like a rollercoaster ride. Some days, I feel highly motivated, while on other days, I feel discouraged and dejected. The truth is, if we measure our lives based on societal standards, we'll miss out on what truly matters. Each person is different, and if we take the time to introspect, we might discover that we desire something different, something subtle or unconventional. However, for some reason, we often find ourselves following the same path because it's culturally accepted.

Today, I find solace in being comfortable in my own skin and viewing my experiences as sources of joy. There's one particular thing that used to frustrate me, an unavoidable part of my daily routine, and I always dreaded it. But today, I told myself that I would definitely share these struggles with my children—the anxiety, the restlessness, and the sleepless nights I went through to provide them with the life they now enjoy. I chuckled at the thought and embraced the entire experience with enthusiasm.

I cannot promise that every day will be as peaceful as today, although I hope it will be. Nevertheless, I am genuinely grateful for these experiences and the adventurous life I get to live. Hopefully, I will be able to share it with my loved ones later in life.

Let's strive to live an undistracted life—embracing our desires, pursuing them, taking rest when needed, and even allowing ourselves to give up at times. But when we catch a glimpse of strength to keep going, we should seize it, as our breakthrough may be just around the corner.

I still have fears, but I'm learning to ignore them. I aspire to be remembered as a fearless yet kind person, so I will live my truth, fearlessly and kindly, regardless of the effort it takes.

Ultimately, what truly matters is finding inner peace. Don't trade that peace for anything else. Be kind to yourself, and take life one day at a time.

And remember, is anything too hard for God?


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