Breathe Him

“His strength is made perfect in our weakness; 

2 Corin 12:9”

This is one phrase I always felt I understood not until lately, I’ve literally been living it and it opened my eyes to a whole new perspective of its meaning.

Going through my daily life, I usually get faced with seemly overwhelming situations where my strength fails me, and most times the stress from these activities or just an event might ruin the whole day. But lately, at any glimpse of an overwhelming situation or decision, I literally run to God and just throw myself at His Feet; acknowledging I need His help and the honest truth is not once haven’t He come through. It just feels like everything just instantly aligns on its own miraculously.

I’m grateful that I’m getting accustomed to running to Him first before making any decision or just when I feel so overwhelmed. I feel more connected like my steps are ordered; you know that subtle affirmation that no matter what it looks like outwardly, something spectacular is growing within.

Don’t let situations in life weigh you down; no matter how negligible it seems, you don’t have to handle it yourself. The bible says “there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live; Ecc 3:12”. Most times we have this ideology that a decision/situation has to be what we perceive as “big” or a predicament has to be grievous before we can ask God to take control or help us. I was in that category; I saw God as that big High priest I only go-to for the big kinds of stuff, forgetting that He’s also my friend, my brother, He’s actually in me; I am an image-bearer of a mighty God, so yeah I can ask Him something as silly as not making my fart smell in front of people.

Little drops of water, little grains of sand make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. Take each step with God, each moment with Him. Breathe Him and experience the daily dose of joy that surpasses all understanding

Enjoy your everyday life.


  1. as always, you never miss with your words
    beautiful, relatable and most importantly it gives hope to lost sheeps.

    1. Thank you for your kind feedback, Badejo.
      I really appreciate


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