Today’s the last day of January 2021 and I’m so elated! this month has been awesome!!! I came to the realisation that most times we spend so much time living under the rules and dogma set by religious denominations that we end up neglecting our personal time/walk with God. Have you ever had the time to think of why there are denominational barriers in the church? Since we basically serve the same God and believe in His son Jesus Christ, why do we have denominations that believe they are superior to the other, or are more Christian or spiritual than the other. A quote by Bob Goff; one of my favourite authors reads “Jesus doesn’t turn people into Christians; He turns them into love” The two main commandments of Jesus which every other commandments are embedded in are the love of God and love of neighbour. I am not objecting doctrines of the church or anything but you might not have noticed that we spend more time living up to these dogmas instead of reflecting Jesus through our daily liv...